
Curriculum Spotlight: 6th Grade Physics

“Middle school science is most essentially about bringing students to think in an entirely new way. This new way of thinking requires that we set aside assumptions we have lived with since our own earliest science lessons, assumptions of which we are mostly unconscious. It requires that we see for ourselves the patterns the world … Read more

Faculty Spotlight: Alissa Minatta

I was exposed to Waldorf Education through my experience at a public “Waldorf-inspired” school in Boulder, Colorado. It immediately became apparent that because of this teaching method, students are deeply invested in the content and eager to learn every day. I especially value that in Waldorf, students are able to express their learning in a … Read more

Faculty Spotlight: Cara Olivenza

What was your path to MPCS? After graduating from the University of Montana, I taught outdoor science education. When I met my husband, I moved to Fort Collins and worked as a librarian and instructional para, then taught at a science outreach program in Fort Collins while getting my certification in Elementary Education and my … Read more

Faculty Spotlight: Eowyn Ciccone

What was your path to MPCS? I have served as a teacher and educator in private, public, and Waldorf schools and experienced the most joy and enthusiasm being part of a Waldorf Community. For five years, I served as the Director of College Counciling and Educational Support Coordinator at a Waldorf School and wished to … Read more

How to Bring Warmth to the Cold Winter Months

  Winter. When I think of winter, sensations of sharp air and visions of bare trees and wrinkled fruits come to mind… withered with their sweetness preserved in the wrinkles of seasons passed. The first snow storms of the season have come and gone. As the melt off continues to stream through the gutters of the … Read more

How does Kindergarten prepare for academics?

Fifteen years ago, a best seller titled All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten was so popular that the title essay was read on the floor of the U.S. Senate. In its themes of sharing, simplicity, and sincerity, readers recognized the greater picture of life that memories of early childhood evoke in … Read more

The Beauty of the Nature Table

  I sit here with a warm mug of coffee as the late afternoon sun begins to set on a shimmering Denver. Shadows are cast across the wood floor at my feet. Next to me, in an upturned seashell, a stick of Palo Santo burns silently and its sweet, earthy essence fills the space. Palo … Read more

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