
Give Back in Ways that are Meaningful to You!

Annual Fundraisers

Fun Run, Annual Give and our Spring Event are our evergreen ways of supporting our school.

Annual Fundraisers

Class Fundraisers

Supporting our classes through their fundraisers like MPCS Spirit Wear, Concert Flowers & more!

Class Fundraisers

Volunteer Today

The possibilities are endless! Share your time, expertise and love for our school through volunteering.

Volunteer Today

Passive Fundraisers

The simple way of giving all year through King Soopers, Minted, Longmont Dairy and more!

Passive Fundraisers

Monthly Donations

Give all year through monthly donations that are tax deductible & super easy to set up!

Monthly Donations

Why We Give Back....

Mountain Phoenix Community School believes that children prosper when their curriculum is varied and includes movement and artistic activities. Because we are a charter school, we have the ability to create an inspiring, arts-based environment of learning and adventure unlike other public schools.

We are also a public school and while we do receive district funding for each student, we also have expenses that neighborhood schools don’t. We must pay for our own facilities — pay our mortgage, as well as repairs and maintenance on our campus. While we do generate income to cover these expenses, it’s just enough to break even and doesn’t cover additional improvements we need to make.

Winter Wonderland Logo

Join on February 21st! Tickets ON SALE now!

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