Pick-Up & Drop-Off

Picking Up Early?

Call 10 minutes ahead to the appropriate office. 

Call when you arrive and, depending on age will send our walk student out.

No calls for early release will be taken after 3:00 pm.

Early Childhood Pickup & Drop-Off Procedures

Please park on Miller Street to pick up and drop-off your child. You will receive individual instructions from your class teacher regarding the location where you will sign-in and sign-out your child. Please use the Miller Street map below for parking details.  To print the EC Pick-Up & Drop-Off Map, click here

Please do not park anywhere on 47th Avenue as this is reserved for EC staff and the local residents only.

If you wish to get to school a little early for Breakfast Club, to play on the playground or to drop-off older siblings, the front gates open by 7:50 a.m. We ask that all caregivers move conversations to front lawn by the Gazebo after 8:30 a.m. and that all families leave the playground area by 3:45 p.m. to make room for After-Care.

The best parking spots on campus!

Parking can be a challenge during pick-up and drop-off at Mountain Phoenix. The MPCS Foundation found a way to make parking easier for two lucky winners at our Annual Auction through two reserved parking spots. These spots are not just for pick-up and drop-off, but are reserved 24/7 for the families that made the generous donations at last year’s auction event.

This year’s community will have their chance to win these spots for 25-26 school year in February at our Winter Auction Event.


MPCS Reserved Auction Winner Parking Sign

Grades 1 to 8 Drop-Off and Pickup Procedures

Mountain Phoenix Community School Miller Street Pick-Up and Drop-Off Map

Grades 1-8 can be dropped off on the 1-70 Frontage Road (north side) of the school.

For grades 1-5, there will be staff to welcome your child between the Great Hall and the Primary Building.

Grades 6-8, will be dropped off in front of the Upper School

If you choose to drop your child off in the Miller Street lot, please see the provided map and note that there will not be staff to greet the students.

If you wish to get to school a little early for Breakfast Club, to play on the playground or to drop-off older siblings, the front gates open by 7:45 a.m. We ask that all caregivers move conversations to front lawn by the Gazebo after 8:30 a.m. and that all families leave the playground area by 3:45 p.m. to make room for After-Care.

Be kind to our neighbors! Please do not park on 47th Place. Also do not block driveways in any part of the neighborhood.

To expedite pick-up, parents may only take a right turn into the frontage road parking lot. The black and white map, at the bottom of this page, shows the options that exist for approaching from the west.

Safety Guidelines

Key messages for drivers:

  • Watch for, and yield to, pedestrians and bicyclists near and around the school.
  • Obey speed limits for the school zone.
  • Come to a complete stop at stop signs.
  • Do not block pedestrian crosswalks including corners.

Key messages for pedestrians:

  • Always look left, right and left again before crossing the street.
  • Cross streets at crosswalks and corners.
  • Do not walk out from between parked cars.


Mountain Phoenix Community School Frontage Road Pick-Up and Drop-Off Map


Inclement Weather Procedures

MPCS makes every effort to remain open and to continue operating as long as we can safely do so.

The safety of our students, caregivers, faculty and staff is our primary concern.


Use Your Best Judgment

If you have any concerns about traveling to or from MPCS and independently decide to pick up your children early from school or keep them home from school, we respect that decision.

If you decide to keep your child home due to safety concerns while traveling, please notify the attendance office by calling 303-728-9100, ext. 333 for early childhood and grades students, and ext. 343 for upper school students.

We are flexible with late arrivals and will always excuse a student absence DUE TO WEATHER SAFETY CONCERNS when called in by a parent or guardian.

Closure Procedures

MPCS will normally follow the lead of Jefferson County Schools, as our location places us within the county’s transportation routes. Therefore, if Jefferson County Schools are publicizing a county-wide closure, MPCS will close, as well. There may be times when MPCS decides to close school due to hazardous driving conditions while Jeffco does not.

Late Starts

Sometimes, the decision to begin school late will be made due to anticipated dangerous travel conditions during the morning commute. We will do our best to communicate that decision as early as possible and the decision will be communicated on behalf of MPCS. Please note that websites and social media may have the information prior to direct notification to families and staff because we do not want to message families after 9 p.m. or earlier than 5:30 a.m. In cases of a late start, school bell times will be 2 hours later than normal. A post will go out to families via PS if Before Care will be offered on a case by case basis.

Stay Up-To-Date

We will send out updates regarding late starts and closures via ParentSquare and a school-wide robocall with the number we have in ParentSquare. As always, please be sure that your information in ParentSquare is up to date and you have specified notification preferences (checking the boxes next to phone/text/email), so that you can be sure to receive our messages.

Event Cancellations

If we need to cancel events due to inclement weather, those decisions will always be posted in ParentSquare. Sometimes, we have to cancel events when threatening weather is predicted after school hours. To be safe, please be sure to check ParentSquare before you get on the road.

As caregivers, you are asked to err on the side of caution. If you deem it unwise to travel or allow your child to travel, please take into consideration the conditions in your area. As always, please stay informed and travel safely.

Procedures For Severe Weather During After School Pick Up

When there is severe weather (lighting, damaging hail or winds), all students will remain in their classrooms until the storm has passed, sheltering in place.

If this occurs during or close to pick up time, the school will send out a message via email/phone/text, notifying families that there is a potential that we will be under a Severe Weather Plan during pick up time. Our school is equipped with a weather alert machine, so we receive alerts being sent by the weather authorities.

If the weather is still not safe at pick up, students will remain in their classrooms until the decision has been made that it is safe to resume normal pick up procedures outside.  This may mean that your child is asked to stay in his/her classroom beyond normal pick up time.  Ideally, families will remain in the pick-up line or parking spots until the children are dismissed.  If you feel that it is important (and safe enough) to come get your child right away, you may come to their classroom/building to get them – if you are not blocking traffic.  We will have someone at the door of the primary and upper school buildings to assist you.  Families in ECE may go directly to the classroom’s door.

If severe weather occurs unexpectedly when pick up has already begun, we will refer to the above plan and have all children and teachers go back to their classrooms.  If your child has permission to leave campus on their own or meet you somewhere other than the pick-up line, please make a plan with your child so they know how to stay safe.  Since they may already be dismissed by us, we will not know their whereabouts.  Of course, they are welcome to take shelter in the main office.

Weather events may affect phone lines, or calls coming into the school may tie up phone lines. If you aren’t able to reach the school by phone during a weather event, please be patient.

We also understand storms may also impact the ability of drivers to arrive on time for student pick-up. In those instances, we will always hold any students not picked up (who are normally picked up by a driver, vs those who walk home) in the office until their ride arrives.

We will send a follow up message when the weather has passed and we are resuming normal dismissal.

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