Upper School Student/Parent Portal

Research regarding “meta-analysis showed that parental involvement in school life was more strongly associated with high academic performance for middle schoolers than helping with homework. ” N. E. & Tyson, D. F. (2009). [citation]

At Mountain Phoenix, we offer a multitude of ways to be involved with your child’s class and the school as a whole. Volunteer opportunities include in-person chaperoning, at-home projects, planning and participating in festivals and campus beautification, to name a few. Whichever path you choose, building relationships in the community and having fun with your child at school strengthens the bond as a family unit and builds the confidence your child needs to succeed.

Signing In....

Campus Portal Link

Your Infinite Campus and EnrollJeffco username and password are one in the same.

Parent/Student Use

As a way to increase student accountability and prepare students for Jeffco Public High School, Grade 8 students are encouraged to view assignments and check grades through Jeffco’s Campus Portal (Infinite Campus).  Beginning of the second semester in Grade 6, students are educated on using Infinite Campus starting with how to check grades.

Using Infinite Campus during Upper School will help your student enter a Jeffco Public High School with an understanding of managing assignments, projects & tests, as well as obtaining basic time management skills. It will also give you, as parents, access to your child’s attendance, assignments and grades throughout the semester.

Talking to your Student


As students are assigned homework and are learning how to navigate Infinite Campus, parents should be checking in with their children on a weekly basis to make sure they are managing this process correctly and independently.

Here are some questions you might ask to spur on healthy conversations:

  • Can you talk me through your grades?
  • Do you have everything you need to do your assignment?
  • Are you clear on what your teacher’s expectations are for this project?
  • How are you fairing, tracking your assignments and preparing for your exams?
Stock Photo of Students in Class

Class teachers will post grades, at minimum, every two weeks and Special Subject teachers will post grades every 3 weeks or as needed.  We encourage you to let your child pick a day of the week to review assignments and grades with you.

If you have specific questions about your student’s performance or assignments, or how your teacher plans on using the Campus Portal this year, please contact the teacher via Parent Square. 

Phone App for Campus Portal

Navigate to wherever you get your apps, and search for Infinite Campus.

Please be aware that when you install Infinite Campus on your phone, you will need to enter your school district, which is “Jefferson County”.

Need Assistance?

If you have any questions or need access to a computer, please contact Julie Ortiz at ju*********@je****.us .

Additional Documentation

Please review the following documents:

Campus Portal Quick Reference Card (Parent)
Campus Portal Quick Reference Card (Student)”

Infinite Campus Snapshot

Preschool - Grade 8

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