My name is Delicia Beaty. I have lived in the north metro Denver area my whole life. What I like to do the most is connect people with resources. My second favorite thing to do is help people any way I can. I was very sick and determined not to have children when I was in my thirties. Then I found a book called the Body Ecology Diet. Within three months my life changed, my views changed and my passions changed. Now I know real food can heal and I am passionate about sharing real food resources starting with the website and if you ever want to know where to get the best real food any given month or how to implement real food in your life, give me a ring.
My children are now in 6th and 3rd grade. We have been at Mountain Phoenix since the beginning of 1st grade for my oldest (the first year MPCS was in Wheat Ridge). We love having the beautiful, well-rounded education for both of our children. I love how the Waldorf curriculum meets children where they are developmentally and I cherish the teachers and staff that are involved in my children’s lives.
How do you currently volunteer at MPCS?
I love to volunteer, so you may find me in a few different capacities when I can. I am a full-time working outside the home mom (I have been a chemist for almost 15 years). Several years ago, another mom and I were talking about how we have children coming to school hungry in our community. We both got very passionate about making something happen to help. The next day I brought in a crock pot of oatmeal and started The Nourishing Breakfast Club. We have grown a team of people who are passionate about nourishing our children daily. I have much gratitude to our Parent Council who funds the program, parents who offer to bring something nourishing, and the team of people I have helping.
I love to do what I can with many different areas such as festivals, stewardship day (the first one was something I will always cherish in my memories as I learned how to lazure walls and the Waldorf Conference (whew! That has been a lot of work!!! I hope we can have a big team this year as last year I took on way too much). I was also on parent council as secretary for 2 years.
Volunteers and Donations Needed for the Nourishing Breakfast Club
Servers are needed on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:45 to 8:15 a.m. There are also spots open on the clean up shift (8:15 to 8:45 a.m.) on Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday. Please email
“>Delicia to volunteer. Donations of organic, wholesome food are always welcome. Coconut oil, maple syrup, glass jar sun butter, glass jar almond butter, dried/fresh fruit, veggies, cream cheese, butter, and other packaged organic foods for possible lunches will always be received with gratitude. Please mark items for the Breakfast Club and drop off in the kitchen.
What is a rewarding moment that has come from your volunteer work?
Seeing the children daily is the most rewarding part of my every day! A great memorable moment that has come from my volunteer work happened recently when a little boy inquired about The Breakfast Club. “Who thought of it?” he asked. I told him the same as above and with a glimmer in his eyes he said “what a good idea.”
Volunteerism is important because…
Volunteerism is important because as they say “it takes a village” but also it gives a person a wonderful sense of community, of being needed and wanted. Aside from being a mom, serving in my community is the biggest purpose for my life.