Thanks to your participation in #GivingTuesdayNow, that was a global day of giving and unity as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.
We raised $10,641 for the school!!! Thank you!
COVID-19 impact at MPCS:
- We lost nearly $100K in tuition revenue by having to close o
ur ECE and Before/AfterCare programs March-May. - Colorado schools are facing significant reductions in state funding for the next few years and will be looking at budget shortfalls. As a charter school, our budget is already very lean and the school will be having to make some tough decisions.
- The Foundation plans to help the school with the budget short comings and while we had a successful Fun Run and Annual Give last year, the postponement of the Auction eliminated one-third of our projected income.
The giving campaign will remain open until the end of May 2020. Donate by going to
In Gratitude,
MPCS Foundation