2020-2021 Learning Information

2020-2021 Learning Information

Restart Mountain Phoenix

As always, MPCS specific- information will be sent via ParentSquare to our currently enrolled families. Community members should also read all emails that are sent from Jeffco Public Schools, including “Community Update” emails. 


Second Semester Learning Plan for MPCS (January 2021)

Updated December 18, 2020
Please read the below details carefully, as there are changes to in-person options for some grades as the semester progresses.

Also, please note the following:

  • Throughout the entire second semester, Mountain Phoenix will continue to offer the 100% remote-learning option for all K-8th grade students whose families choose this option.
  • On Fridays, Kindergarten-Grade 8 students will engage in remote/asynchronous learning until the end of the year per current model.
  • There is no hybrid learning (A and B cohorts) in the spring semester. Students will meet in-person Mon-Thur.
  • Lively Arts Homeschool will continue with full remote learning until further notice.
January 6-January 15
  • PreK-Grade 2 students return with in-person learning.
  • Grades 3-8 students return with full remote learning.
January 19-January 29

Following a 14-day incubation period upon the conclusion of winter break, Grades 3-5 will return to in-person learning.

  • PreK-Grades 5 students continue with in-person learning.
  • Grades 6-8 students remain in remote learning.
February 1-End of the School Year

All PreK-Grade 8 students whose families selected in-person learning are back at school.


Rationale Behind the “Return to Learn” Model

1. Academic, social and emotional needs of students are better served with in-person learning. Information collected throughout the first semester from students, parents/caregivers and staff indicate that a return to in-person (full or hybrid) for the majority of students is the preferred learning model while continuing the remote-learning option for those families choosing this;

2. Although all Denver metro counties in which our students, staff and community members reside currently are in Overall Status Red on the CDPHE Covid-10 data dashboard, the Two-Week Cumulative Incidence (828.7 red), Two Week Average Positivity (10.0% yellow) and Number of Days of Decreasing or Stable Hospitalization Rates indicators are trending in a positive manner;

3. The MPCS model may vary from the Jeffco district-managed and fellow Jeffco charter school models. Our community’s collective positive and negative experiences are similar to other schools, and yet unique due to our physical plant/multiple buildings, PreK-8 community w/siblings in many grades & children in other Jeffco schools, high number of staff w/children enrolled in MPCS and curriculum in which we sustained general ed. and special subjects classes when in-person.

During the fall semester, we noted the following:

  • Challenges included incidences of virus positivity or Covid-19 like symptoms leading to quarantines or class closures in PreK and grades 4-8. In addition, staff shortages due to a lack of guest teacher availability led to class closures w/out quarantine.
  • Successes included in-person learning time for PreK-8, although very limited for some grade cohorts and extended for ECE and lower grades. There were relatively low Covid-19 positive community experiences.
Face Coverings

Face coverings will continue to play an important role in our efforts to contain and reduce virus transmission.

There will be no interior face cover breaks in Grades 1-8 until further notice. Masks may be removed indoors for eating and drinking. More frequent outdoor breaks will be scheduled by teachers in order to take mask breaks. Masks may be removed for outdoor recess.

PreK and Kindergarten (ECE) will be required to use interior face coverings for the two-week period from Jan. 6-Jan. 15 per the current model. Decisions regarding ongoing ECE guidelines will be based upon the public health trends and recommendations, as well as the MPCS experience.

Outdoor Classrooms

We have errected two outdoor tents to support outdoor learning activities.


We are exploring the idea of offering aftercare for Early Childhood starting in mid-February. Registration, location and staff needs will be addressed in January and further updates will be shared with the community.

All plans listed above are subject to change based on the CDPHE dashboard, Jeffco Public Health orders, and/or MPCS manageability/sustainability of the learning model. When/if CDPHE’s Jefferson county Overall Status dashboard has returned to orange level or lower, MPCS will consider proposing adjustments to the plan. If trends keep status in red or move to purple, MPCS will make decisions towards more strict plans. 

Past Announcements (From August – November 2020)


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