Harvest Festival – Sept. 30th!

Harvest Festival – Sept. 30th!

2023 Annual MPCS Harvest Festival

This event is hosted by Family Council and operated by the community –
please help by signing up to volunteer time, items or food.


The harvest is a time when we reap what we have sown: seeds have matured into a bountiful crop and we join together to break bread among a community we have nurtured and tended to with love. This is also the season of Michaelmas, a celebration of courage over fear and inaction, illustrated in the story of St. Michael (and also of St. George) who battles and overcomes the dragon.
Our festival games & crafts are opportunities to showcase courage conquering fear and inaction. Also included will be apple-pressing, seed sharing and quick-pickling.  The Festival culminates with a shared meal provided by our community and a free raffle – winners will be announced at 5:30pm!


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