A meaningful and fun celebration of the fifth grade year, the Pentathlon will feature the following exciting events:
- Javelin
- Discus
- Sprint (60 meters)
- Long distance running (approximately 1/4 mile)
- Wrestling
The event will be from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. A mandatory coaches/volunteers meeting will be from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. that morning.
Costs for Pentathlon is $30.00 per student. MPCS needs one check from each school. Check can be given on the day of the event or mailed in prior too.
All visiting schools must register by March 4 so that we can make preparations. To register, please click here.
We would like each school to have at least 2 parent volunteers for the day of the event, not including the games teacher or the 5th grade teacher.
Preparations for Event
Teachers need to email number of shirts and corresponding sizes. It is easiest if we receive a sheet with every students name, their corresponding size, and their city state (each city state has a different color). This way when students pick up their shirt we give them what they actually order and not what they might of have ordered. (ASAP!)
City States
Teachers need to divide class in the 5 city states:
- Sparta – Choleric (strong)
- Corinthians – Melancholic (challenged)
- Athens – Choleric (strong)
- Thebes – Sanguine (average)
- Ithaca – Phlegmatic (average)
Loosely place your students in each city state. Try to have even number in each group. It is not the end of the world is they are placed wrong. We are trying to divide up their skills so they are competing against students of an equal skill level. (strong/average/challenged)
Odes, Music, & Eurythmy
- Each student should write their own “Ode to the Gods” (bring odes in basket/etc…)
- Each class will have the opportunity to read one of their odes. This should be picked by their class teacher or elected democratically and it will be read aloud at the opening ceremony by that student.
- “Glorious Apollo” – Students should be able to sing the melody and words for the song and play recorder melody for the song. Students may learn harmony parts for singing or recorder if there is time. We can provide music if you need it.
- Eurythmy Dance – If you do not have someone to teach the dance, it is ok to exempt yourself from this portion of the opening ceremony.
Javelin, Standing Discus, Wrestling
- Students should be prepped for rules/regulations concerning each event.
- Standing Javelin and Standing Discus – can’t step over the line; must check behind themselves for safety; throwing form/stance/composure is looked at by judges.
- Long Distance/Sprints – head to head event. 1/4 mile long distance run/50 meter sprint.
- Standing Wrestling – Form/posture; sportsman ship; practice in a 10’-12’ circle (estimated)
Additional Reminders
- It would be greatly appreciated to prep your students to clean up after themselves and remind them of this on the day of the event.
- No younger siblings should be in attendance at this event (keeps the mystery and mysticism for them while they are growing through the Waldorf curriculum).
What to Bring
Please bring sun screen, hat, water proof jacket, water bottle, bagged lunch, sneakers, extra snacks in necessary (some snacks will be provided during event times).
If you need more complete details about each event. Please contact Janell Ince directly at 720.366.7166 (M-F 9:00 am to 10:00 am).