Pentathlon – 4/19

Pentathlon – 4/19

The fifth-grade year is spent in preparation for the Pentathlon. Fifth-grade students study ancient Greece and the birth of modern civilization in main lesson. In games class, they train for this important culminating event.

As the children gather with other Waldorf schools to display their skill, much attention is paid not to winning, but to the display of perseverance, the fluidity of movements, the grace of good sportsmanship, and the beauty of form.

The Pentathlon features the following ancient Olympic events:

  • Javelin
  • Discus
  • Sprint (60 meters)
  • Long distance running (approximately 1/4 mile)
  • Wrestling

Location and Schedule

The Pentathlon will take place at Prospect Park at 44th and Robb. The schedule is as follows:

  • Opening 8:30-9:10
  • Event #1 9:15-9:45
  • Event #2 9:50-10: 20
  • Event #3 10:25-11:55
  • Event #4 12:00-12:30
  • Event #5 12:35-1:20
  • Lunch 1:25-2:10
  • Closing 2:15-3:00


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