MPCS Governing Council Resolution (260918) to Support 2018 Ballot Initiatives

MPCS Governing Council Resolution (260918) to Support 2018 Ballot Initiatives

(Jefferson County, Colo. – September 26, 2018)

The Governance Council for Mountain Phoenix Community School approved a formal resolution (Resolution 260918) in SUPPORT of Ballot Initiative #5A and 5B – “Mill Levy Override” and “Facilities Bond.”


MPCS Governance Council Supports Initiative #5A – Mill Levy Override
MPCS Governance Council Supports Initiative #5B – Facilities Bond

The $33 million mill levy override (Ballot Initiative #5A) would enable a $2.10/month increase per $100K in residential value to taxpayers. This will provide ~$245k annually to MPCS.

The $567 million facilities bond (Ballot Initiative #5B) would enable a $1.81/month increase per $100k in residential value to taxpayers. This will provide an ~3.3 M one-time fund to MPCS for facilities upgrades.

Ballot Initiative #5A provides a thoughtful and balanced solution to provide financial resources to support operations directly related to student learning and success. Ballot initiative #5A will increase competitiveness with surrounding districts to attract and retain quality teachers and staff, increase school safety and security including increased mental health supports and counseling, expand career/technical education and STEM options, improve classroom materials and technology, expand full-day early childhood education and support charter schools.

Ballot Initiative #5B provides a thoughtful and balanced solution to enable needed upgrades to Jeffco schools that includes improvements and repairs to buildings which, as a whole have an average age of nearly 50 years. Ballot Initiative #5B benefits all schools, makes major renovations to high schools built before 1980, expands career and technical education sites, accommodates growth with additions and
new schools, support charter schools, and much more.

We strongly urge community members to vote by November 6, 2018!
Don Toups, President
Jeff Wilhite, Vice President
Sarah Landreth, Secretary
Samantha Siffring, Treasurer
Thomas Hensley, Member at Large
Carla Mead, Member at Large
Beth Cossette, Member at Large

Preschool - Grade 8

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