MPCS Biography Project

MPCS Biography Project


The Mountain Phoenix Governing Council is pleased to announce the kick-off of a new project called MPCS Biography, which is focused on capturing and documenting the rich history of MPCS.  Don Toups, former GC member and MPCS parent, will lead this project.

As many of you know, MPCS was birthed over a decade ago in Coal Creek Canyon. A group of families envisioned a public school in their community and initiated the journey that resulted in the school we enjoy today in Wheat Ridge. At times, the MPCS journey has resembled a gentle paddle in a canoe on a still lake at sunrise, songbirds ushering in the day, the smell of pine in the air. At other times, the journey has been more like a raft trip through a Class VI rapid, requiring helmets, wetsuits, vigorous paddling by all on board, careful navigation by the person at the helm, and a bit of good luck.

Thousands of individuals have participated in the MPCS journey—students, their families, faculty, staff, administrators, community members, Waldorf consultants, and more—contributing their passions, experience, professional skills, trust, time, and money. As just one measure of this journey, can you believe that more than 800 children have, over time, been MPCS students?

Goals and Outcomes
The goal of the project is to develop a narrative biography of MPCS for all in the MPCS community, as well as anyone else interested in the MPCS story: families of potential students, individuals seeking jobs at MPCS, educators in the Public Waldorf Education community, and others. The core “product” is envisioned as an interactive, visually rich website that enables users to explore the aspects of MPCS’ evolution that most interest them. Outcomes may also include a full-length video or series of short video vignettes, a collection of StoryCorps-type podcasts, and more, depending on available resources and skill sets within the MPCS community.

We know what you’re thinking: How can I help?
No one individual can tell the MPCS Story. If Rudolf Steiner were alive today, he would surely agree that this effort requires crowdsourcing!
We therefore invite you to contribute your memories and stories as one thread that will become part of a colorful tapestry. One way to submit your contributions is via email to


, including the word “biography” in the subject line.

Please, if you’re comfortable, provide your name and contact information in your submission, so that we can contact you for more information, if needed (all contact information will be kept confidential and not be used for any other purpose). Of particular interest are memories and stories that represent or commemorate a particular era or event in MPCS’ biography.

Stay tuned via the school communication channels for updates regarding additional options for your to contribute to this effort.

Preschool - Grade 8

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