Summer is here!
Here is a list to stay in the know….
- Summer Office Hours: thru June 9th, 8:00 – 3:00. July 17th – August 14th, 8:00 – 3:00.
- Have Summer Camps &/or Activities to Share? Post them in the Enrichments Opportunities Beyond MPCS ParentSquare Group!
- Purchase your Skate City Summer Cards!
- Updated Family Calendar!
- In-Person Registration is August 9th in the afternoon/evening & August 10th in the morning.
- Instrument Rental Event: August 9th from 1 to 6 pm in the MPCS Assembly Hall.
- Carnation Festival Parade is on August 12th. Save the Date!
- First Day of School is August 15th.
Please note that all links are live in ParentSquare and parent/caregivers must be logged-in to access.