If the weather is considered dangerous; lightning in the immediate area, heavy downpour or severe storm, etc. we would enact this plan with communication to families via text, voice message, and e-mail. Staff would also be informed prior to departures for the day, at least an hour before pick-up time.
Pick-up will run as follows:
- PreK – K will be picked up by parents as usual, signed out at their classrooms and taken to their cars.
For all other grades, there will be two staff outside to monitor parent cars and students transitioning into their parents’ vehicles, with radios to communicate to the other groups of students:
- 1st and 2nd grade students will stay in their classrooms and exit through the back doors when they get a radio message as to when a 1st or 2nd grade parent is in the pick-up zone. The zone will extend south towards the middle school gate.
- 3rd through 5th grade students will gather in the Great Hall with their teachers and a couple will also have radios. When parents of students in these grades arrive their students will exit from the back door and be picked up at the double gated area.
- For the middle school, the students will stay in their lobby and will be picked up directly in front of there, when their parents arrive. One middle school teacher will be out front communicating to those inside.
With siblings, oldest should go to youngest and all be picked up together.
This pick-up process will be slower but will ensure more safety for all involved.