Eurythmy Performance – Open to the Public!

Eurythmy Performance – Open to the Public!

Photo credit: Beatrice and Dante – Juke Hudig

A public Eurythmy performance for Adults (Children 12 years and up).

Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 7:30 pm at Mountain Phoenix Community School

4725 Miller Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Suggested donation: $10-$20. Tickets only available at the door.

In this multi-lingual (English – Spanish – German) program, SCE co-directors David-Michael and Glenda Monasch explore many of the manifestations of duality; of light and dark, of male and female, of yes and no, of earthly and spiritual…featuring a diverse range of music (from a traditional Cossack lullaby, through Bach, Schumann, and Chopin, to Bartok and Piazzolla) and texts (from deeply spiritual to hilariously silly), this program is sure to appeal to people from 12 years old and up!

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