
Seedlings Image


The MPCS Seedlings Parent and Child Classes provide a warm, welcoming space for families to learn and grow. Auntie Susan, an experienced early childhood educator, will lead you and your little one through a gentle, predictable rhythm that features developmentally-appropriate, play-based activities for the children and inspiration and support for the parents.

Mountain Phoenix Community School Early Childhood Students Wet Felting Wool Balls

Early Childhood

From Preschool 3 & 4 through Kindergarten, our Early Childhood Program offers a teacher led, joyful & nurturing setting that inspires the imagination through creative play, storytelling, puppetry, music, movement, and art. During these years our focus lies in the following areas: Healthy Development of the Physical Body, Foundations of Language, Literacy, Mathematics, and Science, Nurturing Environment and Gentle Weekly Rhythm, Learning through Imitation and Example, & Play-Based and Nature-Oriented Curriculum.

Mountain Phoenix Community School Rose Ceremony. Grade 1 student crosses the bridge with her rose she received from a Grade 8 student.

Lower School

Each year in Grades 1-5, there is a story motif that ties in with human development to meet the child where they are. In Grade One, children hear a wide variety of fairy tales which switches to short fables in Grade Two to reflect developing self-awareness. It’s Grade Three that the developing child shows signs of a more awake consciousness and ancient mythology are read where as by Grade Four, the child is growing their independence and are introduced to Norse legends. The Grade Five child’s expanding consciousness is supported by a study of North American geography. 

Platonic Solids Grade 8 MPCS

Upper School

In Grades 6 through 8, students begin the day with homeroom and then move quickly to active classes such as band, orchestra, physical education, art, or Spanish. This is followed by main lesson, the heart of the instructional day, which is filled with in-depth learning in the areas of math, literature, language arts, history, science, and geography. Each two-hour main lesson topic continues for 3 to 4 weeks. Every lesson integrates a balance of arts as well as thinking, feeling, and willing activities so that students are actively engaged in learning. 

Sewing. Lively Arts Homeschool


Lively Arts Homeschool is a one day per week program providing arts enrichment and social interaction for homeschool students. Students experience classes in Spanish, Art, Performing Arts, Games, Handwork, Cooking, and more, depending on grade level. Throughout the year, the program celebrates several Waldorf-inspired festivals. Students have the opportunity to attend several field trips throughout the school year. Past destinations have included plays and musicals, museums, arts workshops, and urban adventures. 

Special Subjects

Starting in the grades, special subject classes become an integral part of the curriculum. Students meet with the Art, Eurythmy, Handwork, Spanish, Band/Orchestra and Games (physical education) teachers outside of the main lesson several times a week.

Mountain Phoenix Community School Cello Session
Mountain Phoenix Community School Grade 5 Pentathlon Long Jump
Upper School Needle Felting MPCS
Winter Wonderland Logo

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