Building Bridges to Teacher Training

Building Bridges to Teacher Training

Thanks to the Foundation’s generosity and the support of our whole community, many of our teachers are able to begin Waldorf certification next year through a program called Building Bridges to Teacher Training, offered by the Center for Anthroposophy in collaboration with Antioch New England University. This program could be a wonderful next step for board members, administrators, and parents who would like to deepen their connection to Waldorf education without continuing on to complete Waldorf certification. The cost for the program is very reasonable: $3600 for the nine months. To learn more about the program, click here.

“The Mystery of Time and the Path of Waldorf Teaching” with Torin Finser

Torin Finser, who has developed the Building Bridges program and leads the teacher certificate program at Antioch, will come to Mountain Phoenix on May 2 at 6 p.m. He will give a brief talk on “The Mystery of Time and the Path of Waldorf Teaching” and then share information on and answer questions about the program. Torin is also excited to welcome those who have already joined. Refreshments will be served.

Please join us to find out more or to meet your new cohort!

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