Show MPCS Your Love With Books!
“To disseminate love over the earth in the greatest measure possible, to promote love on the earth
— that and that alone is wisdom.” – Rudolf Steiner
Happy Valentine’s Day! For the month of February, we invite you to show your love for MPCS by showering our classrooms with books. Your contributions will support our efforts to diversify classroom libraries, while also supporting our local bookstore Second Star to the Right.
Give a book (or five!) from our faculty wishlist.
**Note: At checkout, be sure to choose from the shipping option drop-down menu “Mountain Phoenix Community School Gift.” Also, remember that your dollars count for volunteer hours! $10 = 1 hour.
ICYMI, the MPCS virtue highlighted in January is inclusivity and February’s is respect. February also marks Black History Month, Black Lives Matter at School, and the Lunar New Year (ushering in the Year of the Tiger). The books you donate to our classrooms provide many opportunities for conversation and reflect a widening representation of identities.
Plus, this is a great way to shower our fantastic teachers with fresh literature!
We appreciate your support!
~ Subcommittee for Diversifying Literature, with support from D&I Committee