After tallying all of the donations we received through December 31st, we are happy to report that 62% of our students had families participate in the Annual Give! For the monetary incentive, we had two classrooms—the Skylarks and Sweet Peas—that had at least 85% participation and will receive $350 into their class funds. Another 15 classrooms had at least half of their families participate. These classrooms will each receive $100 into their accounts: Buttercups, Bethany, Mountain Dandelions, Olivenza, Dushman, Erwin, Koutavas, Sunflowers, Dilda, Bluebirds, Hollandsworth, Minatta, Valdez, and Ebert.
HUGE shout out to the Skylark Kindergarten classroom with 100% participation and raising more than $5,000 alone! And Mr. Dushman’s 2nd grade classroom also raised over $5,000…way to go!
To date, we have raised $65,000 in the Annual Give. For this campaign, we request that each family contributes $400 per student over the 9 month school year. If you have been unable to give the full amount so far, we urge you to make monthly donations over the next 4 months, getting to that requested amount by June. To donate, either:
- Give online at www.coloradogives.org/MPCS
(please indicate your child’s name in the Special Instructions box)
OR - Write a check to the MPCS Foundation (with “Annual Give Donation” your child’s name in the Notes line) and place in the Foundation drop box at the Main Office
We count on, and are extremely grateful for, the generosity within our community. Thank you for your support. Every gift is needed and truly cherished.