Before & After Care

Before Care

Care Provided by MPCS Staff

All Drop-In. Located in the Eurythmy Room.

Monday – Friday: 7:30 – 8:15 a.m.
Monday – Friday $6 per day or $96 per month

Staff will make sure the children get to class at the assigned time.

The fees for Before Care will be totaled and added to your child’s Infinite Campus account by the 5th of each month or by the closest school day to the 5th.

In order for your child/ren to continue in the program, payment is due by the 15th of each month.

Please reach out to Suzy Ross-Kumley with any questions!

Out of School Time! After Care

Care Provided by YMCA, an established, trusted organization with their own licensing which requires separate protocols from that of Jeffco Schools.


All staff children and 4 year olds turning 5 after 10/2/24 will need to be registered through the YMCA Program Director by emailing Lennon Wolfe,

All others, please follow the link below!


YMCA Out of School Program

Mon – Thurs. 3:15 – 6:00 PM

Fridays. 1:15 – 6:00 PM

Location: MPCS Campus

Ages 4 & Up


  • Monday through Friday:
    $300 for YMCA Members
    $350 for Non-YMCA Members
  • Daily Drop-In (M-Th):
    $21.25 for YMCA Members
    $25 for Non-YMCA Members
  • Early Release Drop-In (Fri):
    $23.80 for YMCA Members
    $28 for Non-YMCA Members
* Drop-In registration opens at the beginning of each month for the following month. Only 15 drop-in spots are available each day. Prices are subject to change. Please visit YMCA website for most up-to-date information

NOTE: The above costs do not include other YMCA programs or offerings. Supplemental days off campus when MPCS is not in session, will require an additional fee. YMCA follows the Jeffco Public School Calendar and will not offer services on campus on days MPCS varies from the Jeffco Calendar. Please reach out to YMCA at the email above with any questions.

Updated June 7, 2024

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