Lower School Enrollment

Grades 1 - 5

Do you have questions about how Waldorf education may differ from traditional public school?

Here is a quick comparison chart that may help give you a better insight into what your child may experience if transferring to Mountain Phoenix.

“Childhood is not a race! ” – Rudolf Steiner

Fun Facts about Lower School:

Overnight Field Trips are part of the curriculum and available to all in Grades 3 – 5. 

These trips range from the sand dunes camping, Keystone Science Camp, and YMCA Snow Mountain Ranch.

Students start Orchestra in Grade 3. In Grade 5, they can choose to stay with the string instruments or change to band. 

Lower School Fees


2024-25 Materials Fees

Grades 1-5: $300

Additional Fee for New Students in Grades 2-5: $40

Optional Yearbook Fee: $35 if purchased before November 1st

Detailed Information on Materials Fees

24 – 25 Consumables Categories & Fees

24 – 25 Itemized Consumables

If replacements or additional materials are needed/requested, there may be additional costs added to your student Infinite Campus account.

Materials Fees are paid via Infinite Campus during registration in August. 

How to pay your fees?

MPCS Family Handbook

Please refer our MPCS Family Handbook for more information regarding dress code, attendance policy, behavior approach and more!

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