“Nurturing the Nurturer” with Lee Sturgeon-Day on 10/22 (6:30 p.m.)

“Nurturing the Nurturer” with Lee Sturgeon-Day on 10/22 (6:30 p.m.)

This workshop will offer practical, creative, and healing ways of relieving stress while strengthening our ability to meet the challenges of caring for children in today’s world.

leeLee Sturgeon-Day is a counselor and adult educator, co-founder of the Center for Social Development, England, and Lifeways for Healing Education, Detroit. She has led workshops since l975. She was a Waldorf parent for 13 years and teaches in several Waldorf Teacher Training programs. For more on Lee, see here.

$10 donation suggested at the door. Donations will be used to support future Parent enrichment workshops and will increase Parent Council’s ability to invite amazing speakers to our community.

To view our full Parent Enrichment Calendar, click here.

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