Autumn Changes with MPCS 4th Graders

Autumn Changes with MPCS 4th Graders

As Mother Nature prepares the earth and all her cohabitants for her magical autumnal change, we are blessed with the gifts that she leaves along her journey. Crisper mornings with the peaceful rustle of drying leaves reset our inner clocks and urge us to take a moment to be still, reflect and feel gratitude. We are reminded of our world’s true enchantment with the awe inspiring seasonal migrations and how the trees gracefully transition into a kaleidoscope of color as a final performance before they rest and rejuvenate through the winter.

Living in Colorado, we are twice blessed with these earthly phenomena and the nature that surrounds us. Our Mountain Phoenix 4th graders were able to experience the Rocky Mountain autumn glory first hand last week as they took an excursion to Three Mile Creek. Here is a synopsis of this adventure offered by Mr. Ebert, one of our amazing Grade 4 teachers.

It involved a number of stream crossings over narrow and somewhat rickety rough, hewn log bridges – a challenging endeavor that fit well with the inner difficulties we find and face, particularly in this season of great changes in both the weather and ourselves. We also study animals in fourth grade and prepare the classes with some conversations about the factual details (but not too many!) of beavers’ lives and their complementary relationship to the local environment. Also and more importantly, we talked about and practiced careful observation of the natural world, something which in itself calls for both inner and outer quieting. Qualities essential for peace of mind and good science.” 

At Mountain Phoenix Community School, our integrated curriculum gives students the opportunity to experience the interrelated nature of all subjects, and makes learning relevant in their own lives. Revealing the connections that exist across disciplines allows students to experience the world around them as an integrated whole. It facilitates active, engaged learning, and encourages children to bring multiple intelligences and experiences to the learning activity. Research findings demonstrate students learn better, retain more knowledge, and enjoy school more when this approach is utilized during learning. Like the exciting journey described above, we are fortunate to have access to these sacred spaces outside of the classroom to expand our learning and grow our appreciation for the wondrous world we live in.


Thank you to Julie Wheeless, MPCS parent, for these amazing photos!

Preschool - Grade 8

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