Community involvement in decision making is very important to Mountain Phoenix Community School. Since widespread public participation in school policy making is the best guarantee that community interests will be reflected in the school program, a variety of advisory committees, comprised of Mountain Phoenix community members, are formed to facilitate community input. Such committees, under the direction of the Council or designee, make thorough studies of the subjects assigned to them and submit their findings and recommendations to the Council. All committees shall follow the expectations set forth in the GC Committee Policy. The Governing Council is looking for parents, community members, and faculty to help on the following Governing Council Committees:
- School Accountability Committee
- Finance Committee
- Master Planning Committee
- Marketing & Communications Committee
- Strategic Planning Committee
- Election Committee
- Ad-Hoc Traffic Committee
The Governing Council will be appointing individuals to seat these committees in the next month. If you are interested in being appointed, please send an email to and the committee chairperson will contact you with more details.