Drop off and Pick up Reminders

Drop off and Pick up Reminders

A few safety reminders which also help with our neighbor relations, to avoid tickets and dangerous situations for children:

  1. We have staff supervising on the Frontage road and Miller St. during the mornings and afternoon times, transitioning has been more efficient, Thanks to those who are working with us and for your patience.
  2. The handicapped area on the Miller St side is not for drop off, please use the pull in area. Grades 1st through 8th should be dropped off and picked up on the Frontage Rd. side.
  3. Please use the cross walks and comply with driving rules, such as no U-turns, not being on your cell phone, parking safely and not crossing between cars. Please drive slowly.
  4. A lack of parking will always be challenging but for everyone who got Fitbit type monitors for Christmas, it will give you more steps accomplished. Please do not take the last space at Fruitdale Park, since visitors are complaining to the Wheat Ridge Recreation District.

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