Student Spotlight

Becca Southern – MPCS Alumni

MPCS Alumni Becca Southern wins Art Scholarship! Becca attended Mountain Phoenix from 3rd to 8th grade and is now graduating from Wheat Ridge High School this year! Way to go Becca!   Art in the Barn is an inaugural event that establishes a scholarship program for graduating high school art students in the Wheat Ridge … Read more

Student Spotlight: Middle School Students Create Video about Mental Health

At Mountain Phoenix Community School (MPCS), a group of 14 8th graders spent 6 months creating a video to portray three different teen’s experience with mental health problems at school. First, teens explored community problems, selected one problem: middle school students mental health, and created a product to create a dialogue around how fake words … Read more

Middle School News

There is a lot going on in the Middle School! Read about all the exciting developments below: Ms. Ciccone’s and Ms. Alonso’s 7th grades recently had their plays: Pinocchio and Her Three Kings, respectively. Both were a great success, with students taking on and succeeding in challenging roles while providing both entertainment and moments of … Read more

Student Spotlight: Kylie

Kylie, a fifth grade student at MPCS, recently volunteered to have her head shaved to raise money for childhood cancer research in honor of a family friend named Zach. Not only did she fundraise almost $5,000 and earn a medal for being a top fundraiser, she also inspired our student body and faculty with her actions. … Read more

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